説明会・セミナー 2025年卒 2026年卒

It's not too late! Must-see for job-hunting beginners!

Considering the Essence of Career] Self-Analysis Seminar

We will be holding a self-analysis seminar for those who are struggling with choosing a company or setting their career goals while job hunting!

When it comes to job hunting, self-analysis is said to be the most important yet most difficult part.

However, only a few students have mastered the correct way to conduct self-analysis.

Health Basis has been working with students one-on-one to find their careers.

We have supported many students in their life planning.

This two-hour program is packed with know-how and theory, so

Your perspective on job hunting will surely change drastically before and after participating!

Please read the details below and if you are interested,

Please apply via our official LINE account.

Seminar details

[Contents of the day]

・Introduction of the speakers

First half of the seminar

・Short break

・Second half of the seminar

Q&A session


Held online (using Google Meet)

[Time Required]

2 hours (each session scheduled for 10:00~12:00)

[Event Schedule]


・9/5 (Thu)

・9/10 (Tue)

・9/13 (Fri)


*The above is the current plan and may be subject to change or additions in the future.



Dress code
Pen School ID Notebook
Participation fee

